Our Story
LordCap Green was founded to meet the needs of our clients, our bank partners, and our diverse investors. We are a leader in financing clean energy and sustainability improvements to commercial properties across the United States. We originate, underwrite, and manage each transaction ourselves to provide consistency and ensure that our clients and partners are covered from the beginning through to servicing.
Formed in 2018 out of our affiliate, Lord Capital, our team draws on decades of experience in capital markets and the structured credit space. Collectively, they bring experience and expertise to every investment, resulting in security both for the property owners and for our investors.

Lord Capital Formed
Opened New York Office
First Lord Capital Fund Closed
Prepared the first known financing study for a portfolio of PACE assets (residential and commercial)
Assisted in the establishment of a CPACE program in California, and Coordinated implementation of Florida’s first CPACE program
Worked with Kroll Bond Ratings to establish PACE credit ratings criteria
Established LordCap Green
2018 - 2021
Re-engineered operational aspects of CPACE funding to reduce risk for parties
Implemented a unique, subordinated financing structure for a residential PACE provider
First C-PACE Deal
LordCap Green completes its first CPACE transaction
Opened New Jersey Office
GovCo Services Founded
Opened Pittsburgh Office
Re-engineered CPACE to be equity in the capital stack, and friendly to senior lenders
A Brief History
LordCap Green has deep institutional experience in assessment financing and C-PACE.
A Brief History
LordCap Green has deep institutional experience in assessment financing and C-PACE.

About Us
Innovative leaders in green financing and structured credit
Our Values
LordCap’s mission is to create innovative alternative financial products that support the needs of issuers and investors. Our LordCap approach is analytical and detail-intensive, with clear priorities on risk-adjusted returns and complete transparency.
We are respected in the market and will continue to maintain a reputation for honesty, fairness, responsibility, trust, and sound judgment.
We focus on profitable sustainability for our clients, investors, and communities.
Everything we do, we are proud to do in the national spotlight.
We are empowered by our impact, our data, and our team.