Stephen Ceurvorst
Stephen Ceurvorst is CEO of LordCap Green. He is also the founder of Lord Capital, dedicated since 2003 to creating off-balance sheet financings through providing governance services that result in LordCap correctly assuming consolidation responsibility for securitized assets (over $88 billion to-date). Prior to LordCap, Mr. Ceurvorst held various senior positions with predecessor banks of BNY Mellon, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase. Roles included CEO of a broker-dealer, creating a $45 billion commercial loan portfolio management group, creating and executing the first CLOs, and leading top ranked loan syndications and securitization groups.
Mr. Ceurvorst has served on a variety of industry and nonprofit boards, including the ABA Securities Association, Structured Finance Association, Loan Syndications and Trading Association, Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania, BNP Paribas LMA S.A. conduit (Paris), Worshipful Company of International Bankers (London), Cameron Kravitt Foundation,
He earned his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College, and his master’s degree from Columbia University School of Business.